“We know that District 38 is the best place in New Jersey to work, live, and raise a family. This is why we’ve fought for seniors on a fixed income to have access to affordable prescription drugs, for the remediation of lead water pipes, and for the protection of women’s health care. ”
We've helped pass a total of 20 tax cuts for working and middle-class families and seniors, including Stay NJ and ANCHOR. The ANCHOR program provides property tax payers with $1,500 rebate checks every year.
Protecting access to women’s health care
Lisa, and Chris will ensure abortion rights remain legal in New Jersey, and will protect women's access to all reproductive health care. We're fighting to ensure young women have access to menstrual products in public schools, restore funding for Planned Parenthood, and expand access to birth control.
Combating gun violence
Lisa, and Chris are dedicated to keeping our communities and schools safe from gun violence through commonsense ideas like criminal background checks and red flag laws, and they have enacted the most comprehensive gun control laws in the country.
Fighting for seniors
We're are fighting to help New Jersey seniors afford to stay & retire in the same communities where they raised their families. That's why we increased access to Senior Freeze and ANCHOR benefits to give money back to homeowners and renters. And now, with Stay NJ, we've cut property taxes in half for the average NJ senior.